Exposed to COVID-19 on a Cruise? You Need a Skilled Maritime Lawyer

Few places in the world have not been hit hard by the novel coronavirus, and people have been exposed to all sorts of places—from restaurants, gyms, and hospitals to sidewalks and even inside their homes. However, certain types of places pose more of a threat than others, and cruises have proven to be particularly dangerous.

Stories abound of cruise ships where people have been quarantined due to COVID-19 outbreaks and of the disease spreading rapidly. While no official count seems available, the Miami Herald has kept an unofficial record of the number of cases and deaths. As of April 23, 2020, they had recorded:

  • 2,592 total cases of COVID-19 on cruise ships
  • 65 deaths from cruise ship COVID-19 cases
  • 54 ships that have suffered outbreaks
  • 21% of the entire fleet that has been diagnosed with cases

Some of this is due to the very nature of cruises. When hundreds or thousands of people are crammed together in a relatively small area, sickness is far more likely to spread. This occurs for years on cruise ships with illnesses such as norovirus.

However, this does not let cruise lines off the hook when they engage in negligent behavior. They have a duty of care to keep their passengers and crew members safe, which also applies to illness. They must do their utmost to keep ships clean and disinfected and to follow proper medical procedures when an outbreak does occur.

Suppose your cruise line behaved negligently or recklessly, resulting in you or a loved one contracting COVID-19. In that case, they can be held liable for their actions — and the Florida cruise attorneys at the Mannello Law Group can help.

Why Are Cruise Passengers and Crewmembers Suing Cruise Lines over Coronavirus?

Some have been trying to dismiss COVID-19 lawsuits against cruise lines as people who made a choice, got sick because of it, and are now blaming someone else. However, this is not the case if you look at the actual claims.

In one suit against Princess Cruises, the plaintiffs allege that the cruise giant took them on as passengers right after discharging passengers that had been infected with coronavirus — in effect exposing new people to others who had already been exposed. Princess knew about the danger. The new passengers did not. One of them died.

In another claim, a crew member alleges that Celebrity Cruises put crew members and others in jeopardy because it “glaringly failed to follow even the most basic safety precautions.” Some of her examples include the cruise line throwing crew parties and mandating ship drills during the pandemic.

These are not stories of people who got sick and want to blame someone else. They are about an imbalance of power and knowledge and how cruise lines abused those things and recklessly put people in danger because of this. Other cases involve more common issues, such as poor sanitation or loose disease protocols that furthered the spread of the virus.

At the Mannello Law Group, we have worked for years to fight back against this and have done it with great success. Big cruise lines do not scare us. Instead, we see it as our mission to hold them accountable and ensure that regular people get the justice they deserve.

Can the Mannello Law Group Help with Your COVID-19 Cruise Exposure Case?

If you or someone you love was exposed to the novel coronavirus due to the negligent actions of your cruise line, you deserve fair and just compensation for everything you have had to go through.

Here at the Mannello Law Group, we can handle all kinds of COVID-19 cruise exposure cases from passengers and crew members. Cases we are currently accepting include:

For Passengers

  1. Those diagnosed with COVID-19 and suffering:
    • Death, life-altering injury, or long-term hospitalization
    • Quarantine on a vessel, at home, or other (ex. military bases)
    • Some symptoms, but have since recovered
  2. Those suffering symptoms of COVID-19 but have no diagnosis (flu-like reaction, fever, runny nose, cough, diarrhea).
  3. Those quarantined on a vessel but having no symptoms who have suffered emotional distress and anxiety.
  4. Those who traveled after disembarkation further spread the virus, which has resulted in emotional distress and anxiety.

For Crewmembers

  1. Those diagnosed with COVID-19 and suffering:
    • Death, life-altering injury, or long-term hospitalization
    • Quarantine on a vessel, at home, or other (ex. military bases)
    • Some symptoms, but have since recovered
  2. Those suffering symptoms of COVID-19 but have no diagnosis (flu-like reaction, fever, runny nose, cough, diarrhea).
  3. Those quarantined on a vessel and remaining on the ship are suffering from resulting emotional distress and anxiety.
  4. Those who were forced to work despite active cases on board and not given proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  5. Those who were forced to downplay the spread of the virus to passengers
    • What did they know?
    • When did they know?
  6. Those who traveled after disembarkation further spread the virus, which has resulted in emotional distress and anxiety.

Are you not sure if your situation fits into any of these categories? Contact our office. We offer a free initial consultation, during which we will evaluate your claim and let you know whether or not we believe it is worth your time to pursue.

Even in a Pandemic, Cruise Lines Have a Responsibility to Keep People Safe

COVID-19 is a crisis the likes of which the world has not seen since the 1918 flu. Hospitals are overcrowded, people are dying, and businesses are shuttering.

Most people and businesses are working hard to act responsibly. They base their behavior on the best science available at the time and do their utmost to prioritize safety.

However, while we laud those who handle this situation correctly, it is also essential to hold bad actors accountable. Suppose your coronavirus-related injuries were due to negligence, mismanagement, or even downright reckless behavior on a cruise line. In that case, you owe it to yourself, your family, and the world to fight back.

The knowledgeable cruise ship lawyers at the Mannello Law Group have dealt with illness and injury cases on cruises for many years, and they understand precisely what it takes to help you get the compensation you need and deserve. Do not delay, though — cruise ship injury cases have a stringent statute of limitations, and if your time runs out, little can be done.

Please set up your free consultation today by completing our easy case review form online or calling the Mannello Law Group at 954-606-6606 or toll-free at 866-306-9606.