Cruise Ship Deck Chair Hoarders: How To Fight Back
You only get a few weeks each year to kick back and relax. When you’re on a cruise, you want that kicking back and relaxing to be on a deck lounger so you can soak up some of that vacation sun you’ve been needing.
The only problem with this plan? Deck chair hoarders. Some people call them deck chair hogs. They somehow manage to snatch up every available chair and hoard them like a dragon with its gold. So, now what?
You don’t go on vacation to argue, and there are definitely reasons not to get in an altercation on your cruise (hello, brig!). The real solution to your problem is that you have to outsmart those deck chair hoarders and beat them at their own game. But how? Read on for a few helpful tips!
What Is a Deck Chair Hoarder?Before you