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Why You Should Consider a Winter Cruise – And Where to Go

Summer is winding down and the temperatures are finally starting to drop. For many families, this new season means putting their noses to the grindstone. No more vacations, no more trips to the beach.

For some families, the cooler temperatures are a signal to pack their bags. Winter vacations, and specifically winter cruises, can be even more relaxing than the typical summer trip away. If you’re still looking to get away in the next few months, consider getting away via boat.

Why Go on a Winter Cruise

A winter cruise can be a good change of pace, but there are also practical reasons to set sail in December-March.

The Perks of The “Low Season”

The kids are back in school during the colder months, and parents may be hesitant to pull them out for seven days in the Cayman Islands. Take advantage of the

Cruise Lines: The Surprise Heroes of the Aftermath of Dorian

Hurricane Dorian was the latest Category 5 storm to hit the East Coast. While Floridians braced themselves for a big hit, the real victims of the storm were the people of the Bahamas.

Fifty Bahamians died in the storm, with over 1,000 people missing and 15,000 in need of medical care. Another 70,000 citizens were rendered homeless.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the President made a statement on Twitter saying that the hurricane victims could be “very bad people,” and refused to grant them Temporary Protected Status.

Fortunately, another group has come in to provide aid to the devastated island…and it may not be who you expect.

Who is it? Cruise lines.

Carnival, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Among Those Offering Aid to Hurricane Dorian Victims

In the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, cruise ship lines began to pack their ships with food, water, and medical supplies.


Cruising to Venice? What You Need to Know About the New Rules

Venice is a wildly popular cruise destination, and few things are as romantic and exciting as you think an Italian cruise would be. However, cruise ships and the throngs of tourists they bring place a major burden on this fragile floating city.

In June of this year, the MSC Opera, a 13-deck cruise ship on the MSC Cruise line, crashed into a wharf and tourist boats along a busy canal, for instance.

The crash, which some said was “foretold for decades,” preceded an announcement that the Italian government had elected to ban giant cruise ships from Venice’s port, and would reroute one-third of them within the next year.

So, what does this mean if you’re planning to cruise to Venice?

Venice’s Tourism Problem: The City is Sinking

Venice, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is gradually sinking. The city was never meant to handle

Carnival Fails Sanitation Inspection – Watch for These Health Problems

During its latest health inspection from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Carnival Fantasy earned a failing grade. The Carnival Cruise Line ship received a score of 77 out of 100, falling 9 points short of the minimum passing score of 86.

Brown Water Discharged from Shower Lines

According to the July 2019 inspection, the Carnival Fantasy’s failing grade was due to a number of health violations, including “brown water” being discharged from two shower hoses and a shower in the medical area. The medical area shower was used at least twice a day, a crew member reported.

Multiple Violations at Food Stations

Additionally, inspectors found knives stored in warm, soiled water at food stations, an ice cream spoon stored in cold, soiled water, and one food station lacked adequate sneeze guards. At breakfast, one of the inspectors reported that the

Should You Take a Fall Foliage Cruise?

If you thought cruises were only for soaking up rays by the pool and visiting tropical destinations, think again. Summer may be drawing to a close, but the cruise season is just getting warmed up.

As we head into fall, major cruise lines are preparing their ships and staff for their fall foliage tours. Beginning in September, cruise ships sail down the east coasts and along interior rivers of the U.S. and Canada so passengers can marvel the dazzling sites, sounds, and smells of fall.

Cruise-goers take in warm red and golden leaves beneath the crisp autumn air before exploring historical cities, seaside villages, lush national parks, and remote islands.

If you are wondering if you should take a fall foliage cruise this autumn, read on to learn more about 2019’s finest fall foliage cruises from top cruise lines. Plus, we’ll provide you a

The World’s Most Popular Cruise Destinations of 2019

You already know that it’s about time for a cruise. School’s out, you’ve worked hard so far in 2019, and you’re long overdue for a tan. Now all you have to do is figure out where you want to go with your partner or your spouse.

If you need some inspiration, we’ve got a list of the top cruise destinations of the year.

Whether a Caribbean retreat, a luxurious trip to Europe, or a convenient trip up North America is on your list, we’ve got you covered. These destinations were chosen by Cruise Critic voters and industry experts.

Avignon, France: The Number-One Choice

When Cruise Critic released the winners of their annual Cruisers’ Choice Destination Awards, it revealed voters chose Avignon as the top place to visit on your next overseas adventure.

The city is known for its locally-produced wine and olive oil, as

Mechanical Issue Derails Norwegian Cruise Ship, Strands Passengers

The Norwegian Pearl, a cruise ship in the Norwegian Cruise Line fleet, recently experienced a mechanical problem in the midst of a 13-night cruise.

Although the issue did not stop the cruise, it forced the ship to travel at a slower speed and cancel several ports of call. Passengers, stranded aboard the vessel, have taken to social media to express their outrage.

Moreover, the cruise line cancelled an upcoming voyage on the Norwegian Pearl three days before the date of sailing in order to perform “necessary repairs.”

This incident has affected thousands of passengers, ruining a very costly vacation that they’d likely had on the books for months ahead of time.

Passenger’s Reaction Seemingly Leads to Better Norwegian Response

While researching your next cruise, you may have run into this story. The mechanical issues aboard the Norwegian Pearl had occurred during a voyage