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What Carnival’s 6 Injured Passengers Did Right After Cruise Collision

Most of us have a general idea about how to stay safe once you’ve set sail. Not to mention, every cruise line has a quick tutorial for all passengers before the ship even leaves the dock.

You know to follow safety guidelines, hold onto railings, and be cautious while in port in foreign countries. Still, there’s one potential cause for injury over which you have zero control: a crash. Yes, cruise ships can – and do – collide.

You likely heard that’s exactly what happened in Cozumel, Mexico in December.

When Cruise Ships Collide

Two Carnival Cruise ships ran into each other as they were pulling into port, resulting in six injured. The cruise giant claims that the impact was due to “spontaneous wind gusts and strong currents.”

Regardless of the cause, the six injured people were smart and took the correct first step

Tips for a Better Trip When You Cruise Over Spring Break

Cyber Monday has come and gone, but you can still find great deals online. Cruise lines have just started to slash prices on trips that leave over Spring Break. When we say big savings, we mean sail dates between late February and early April are as low as $249 right now!

It’s not hard to find a great price on a cruise, but is it worth the deal? After all, Spring Break is notorious for college kids letting loose and causing chaos. Not to mention, there’ve been plenty of news stories about cruise disasters this past year.

Still — we say yes! Totally worth it…If you plan ahead and manage your expectations, your cruise will be a fantastic getaway as we officiate the Spring season. Use these tips to having your best Spring Break cruise trip.

Where to Cruise (and Not to Cruise)

Do You Know What to Do If Injured on a Holiday Cruise Excursion?

Shore excursions are often the highlight of a cruise, and ports of call offer a chance to disembark, sightsee, and take in the local culture. Shore excursions can also be dangerous and unpredictable, so tragedies can (and do) happen.

Take three North Texans, for instance, who were recently killed in two separate traffic crashes while on shore excursions on the same cruise. Multiple family members were involved in both crashes, and surviving family members sustained critical injuries.

Unfortunately, shore excursion accidents are actually relatively common during cruises. If you’ll be embarking on a holiday cruise this season, it’s important to know what to do in the event of a shore excursion accident.

First, the most common shore excursion accidents…

Common Shore Excursion Accidents

Dangerous local conditions or participation on-shore excursion activities are what often lead to the most prevalent injuries. Common shore excursion accidents

Taking a Family Cruise? What You Need To Know

You’ve been on cruises in the past, but now it’s time to bring the kids along. If you are used to going on a cruise with friends or with your partner, know that family cruises are a whole different experience.

There is a lot more to consider (and a lot more to pack!) when your children are coming to enjoy the cruise with you.

Take some time to research the cruise lines, and find one that fits your family’s needs. The extra preparation will be worth it once you hop on board. Use these tips from our cruise experts to help you get started.

Three Key Considerations When Choosing the Right Family Cruise

When in doubt, look for the cruise lines that cater to families. (Disney Cruise Line is often the top option, but there are many others to choose from.) All-inclusive packages just

Grandpa Charged in Toddler’s Death – Should It Have Been Cruise Line?

In a tragic incident on July 7th, 2019, an 18-month-old fell to her death from a window 11 stories up on a Royal Caribbean International cruise ship. According to reports, her grandfather had placed her on a railing next to the window, assuming it was closed. She is said to have loved banging on glass at her brother’s hockey games, and the grandfather wanted to let her play. The window he chose happened to be the single pane in a wall made almost entirely of glass that happened to be open.

It gets even worse, though. As if suffering the death of his granddaughter was not enough, in the aftermath of the incident, the grandfather was arrested on charges of negligent homicide for his role in her death.

Are Grandfather’s Charges in Granddaughter’s Cruise Death Valid?

Experts are split on whether the

Some of the Best World Cruises Available in 2020

Cruises are a wonderful and enriching experience. There is something so timeless and thrilling about hopping on board for an adventure.

You can explore a new part of the country or sail across the sea to a new part of the world. But what if you want to see the whole world in one cruise? It’s possible.

World cruises offer the best of the best when it comes to the cruise experience. Check out our list of the best world cruises available in 2020.

What Is a “World” Cruise?

World cruises take the traditional idea of a cruise vacation and turn it up a few notches. They take you to multiple countries and/or continents. Cruise lengths vary.

While some only last three weeks and take you to a handful of island nations, others last up to 245 days. You read that right – that’s

Will Newlywed Who Fell from Carnival Balcony Sue?

Not often do we hear of a cruise ship accident that isn’t immediately followed by angry laments and threats of a lawsuit.

It seems a recent Carnival Cruise incident may be one of those rare cases. Of course, the victim’s statute of limitations isn’t up until late 2022, so there’s still time for that to change.

There are two key factors of cruise line liability that Carnival’s team is likely already reviewing – passenger slip and falls… and overserving guests. In this post, we take a closer look at both. First, though, a bit more on the story itself.

Fall Victim’s Wife Praises Carnival Cruise Staff and Guest Services

After spending the first day of his cruise enjoying nearly a dozen margaritas, a new husband heads back with his bride to their honeymoon cabin. Apparently, somewhere along the way he fell over the deck