If You’re Injured on a Princess Cruise, Cruise Ship Injury Attorney Madeleine Mannello Can Help

Princess Cruise Ship Injuries

Princess Cruises recently launched a $20 million ad campaign based around the tagline “Come Back New.” As part of their rebranding efforts, they emphasize their commitment to traveling to exotic locales, offering shore excursions, and exciting onboard entertainment. Their cruises undoubtedly provide fun and memorable vacations for thousands of travelers each year. However, as with other cruise lines, the recreational activities, shore excursions, and environment onboard their ships may also pose certain risks.

If you or a loved one is injured or becomes seriously ill due to the negligence of Princess Cruises, it is up to you to stand up for yourself and your right to compensation. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. The Mannello Law Group can help by looking at the details of your accident and constructing the strongest possible case. We have extensive experience practicing maritime law and handling cruise ship accident cases like yours. We know the ins and outs of this often complex area of law, and we are not afraid to go up against large cruise lines because we have done it – and won – before. If we can get you the compensation you deserve by settling out of court, we will do it, but we are also not afraid to go to trial if that is the best course of action.

Princess Offers a Wide Range of Cruises, but None are Accident-Proof

Although smaller than Carnival and Royal Caribbean competitors, Princess is still a formidable cruise line that prides itself on its customer service and meticulously planned itineraries. They currently have a fleet of 17 ships, including two smaller vessels, the Pacific Princess and the Ocean Princess, that carry around 672 adult passengers. Vacationers can also choose one of their larger ships:

  • Regal Princess (arriving in May 2014)
  • Royal Princess (currently the newest ship in their fleet)
  • Caribbean Princess
  • Coral Princess
  • Crown Princess
  • Ruby Princess
  • Dawn Princess
  • Sapphire Princess
  • Diamond Princess
  • Sea Princess
  • Emerald Princess
  • Star Princess
  • Gold Princess
  • Sun Princess
  • Grand Princess
  • Island Princess

Since Princess works hard to create experiential vacations, they have many activities and amenities, including spas, casinos, movie theaters, live shows, and themed parties. They also offer shore excursions in 5 categories:

  • Sightseeing and city tours
  • Nature and wildlife
  • Activities and adventures
  • Special interests (such as cuisine, history, or art and culture)
  • Exploring on your own

With all of these exciting activities on offer, it is Princess Cruises’ responsibility to do everything they reasonably can to keep passengers safe at the same time that they are having fun. Of course, there may be actual accidents where no one can be found at fault, or the injured party must shoulder some of the blame, but there are also situations where someone is injured because the cruise line itself was negligent.  If Princess fails to live up to their duty of care and someone gets hurt, they should be held accountable.

Recent Accidents and Illnesses on Princess Cruises

Norovirus outbreak. There have been substantial norovirus outbreaks on several major cruise lines recently, and the Caribbean Princess was one of the unfortunate victims of the virus, which causes vomiting and diarrhea. 175 passengers and crew members caught the highly contagious illness, and the ship was forced to dock in Houston a day earlier than planned. Princess Cruises may not have been responsible for the outbreak itself. Still, they were undoubtedly accountable for sending the Caribbean Princess out on a new trip less than a week after the outbreak – a questionable decision considering norovirus is difficult to kill and can survive outside of a host for three weeks or longer.

Crew member goes overboard. On a recent cruise from San Francisco to Hawaii, a Grand Princess crewmember went overboard and was not recovered. Cruise line officials believe the man intentionally jumped from the ship, which means the cruise line could not be held responsible. However, in our opinion, they should be held accountable for the fact that even though state-of-the-art equipment to locate people who go overboard exists, Princess Cruises does not use it, which may have contributed to the inability to recover the man.

Know Your Rights If Injured on a Princess Cruise Ship

While the official Princess website provides plenty of information about their ships and the stunning locations they visit, the cruise line seems somewhat quiet about their safety and security policies. If you dig through their site, you can find a wordy passage contract that reminds passengers they will be subject to maritime law and that the cruise line cannot be held responsible for accidents caused by the actions of passengers. They do not, however, explicitly tell passengers what rights they have if they are injured due to the cruise line’s negligence.

If you or a loved one is injured aboard a Princess cruise ship because of something done – or not done – by the company, it is up to you to contact a skilled maritime lawyer and learn what rights you may have to compensation. Remember that you have a limited amount of time to do this – the statute of limitations for cruise ship injuries is just one year, meaning you must file suit within one year of your accident lest you be forever time-barred from doing so.

The Mannello Law Group works with passengers and crew members injured on cruise lines like Princess, helping them recover the monetary compensation they deserve to pay medical bills, make up for lost wages, and get their lives back on track. The attorneys at the Mannello Law Group work on a contingency basis, meaning that you won’t owe them any attorney fees or the cost of representation until you receive compensation.

Schedule a free, no-obligation legal consultation with our firm today by calling us at 954-606-6606, or toll-free at 866-306-9606 or by filling out our quick and easy online contact form. Don’t wait any longer to speak out against a negligent cruise line.